
The Subaru 4WD Club of SA has been volunteering in the Southern Flinders Ranges National Parks since 1998, when we were introduced to the Mount Remarkable National Park, clearing "Fricks Track" to allow fire trucks to pass through safely.

Our first team of 12 keen volunteers had basic skills, using hand loppers and hand saws to open the track wider.

Since that first trip we have grown.

  1. Our skill: we have trained chainsaw operators, chemical handlers, traffic managers, first aiders, maintenance skills and team leaders.
  2. Our numbers: we have a majority of club members involved in volunteer activities, including duties for the kids.
  3. Tools: we have a comprehensive arsenal of tools; chain saws, loppers, pruners, hand saws, glyphosate spray and injection pumps and lots of PPE.
  4. Our Range: Mount Remarkable National Park, Dutchman's Stern Conservation Park, Innes National Park, Cleland Wildlife Park.
  5. What do we do: Fire track and walking trail clearing, Box Thorn, Wheel Cactus and other noxious weed control, general building maintenance, deep cleaning of accommodation buildings, sign maintenance and other general duties.

Our 16 year relationship has grown to become a backbone of activity for the club, introduced many club members, their families and even overseas visitors to parts of the Parks not easily accessed and given us many fantastic experiences.



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Subaru 4WD Club of South Australia
Subaru 4WD Club of SA 23 Yulinda Tce Para Hills SA 5096
Phone 0427 237 455
Email paulshinks@gmail.com
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